Guest Curator’s Office
Type of work: Design project
Exhibition: Bleibe
Location: Akademie der Künsten, Berlin, Germany
Year: 2000
Curator: Karin & Jorg van den Berg
Courtesy: The artist
Photo: Apolonija Šušteršič
Technical Data: Different pieces of movable furniture made from MDF boards painted white, with acrylic glass and space for clothes, books and documentation, work area with tables and benches for people to look at books and documentation.
Video: Office (mini DV, Pal, 20′) featuring the curators talking about their working environment
Concept: Bleibe – stay, be… The two curators of the exhibition were asked by the artist to work in the exhibition space at the time of the exhibition. They became part of the show, visually being present communicating with the visitors about the show, the art works and the artists.
The Guest Curator’s Office is a structural part of the exhibition, which as such gives the artist the possibility of collaborating with the curator on a non-hierarchical level, to raise questions on the display of privacy, working habits, communication with the audience, etc.
The Guest Curator’s Office is a flexible structure which can be used by people working in the exhibition as well as the visitor to discuss the exhibition, look at documentation, read books and catalogues related to the exhibition, and at the end watch the video Office which is an interview with the curators talking about their ideas of the ideal working space and about their own desires in relation to the place to be and work.
1. The furniture can be used in other similar situations with a new video production.
2. The video Office (mini DV, Pal, 20′) can be shown on a TV monitor placed into an office situation (table, chair).